
Meta Domain: A fourth-wall-bending cleric subclass for 5E

Created by Steve Conley

Clerics who think this all might be a game! A fun, powerful, and playable subclass plus new spells, items, and creatures! Digital PDFs and 3D-printable STLs are available from Steve's web shop at

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A bonus sneak peek: Plotz Devices
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 05:28:38 PM

While we all wait for Kickstarter to do their thing...

I've been cooking up new magic items which I've begun posting on my Patreon and thought I'd share the first two here. I hope you like them!

These pages have all the features I always wanted with this sort of material including a Description which game masters can read to players, suggested plot hooks, and it even indicates the kind of magic a character sees when they cast Detect Magic on the thing.

I'm also introducing some mechanics such as Expiration. Expiration will hopefully encourage PCs to actually use the fun stuff the DMs give them.

I'll be sharing these throughout the month at and if they prove popular, I'll keep making them!

Back to work on The Prayer's Handbook! Thanks again! 

-- Steve

WOOHOO! Thank you!
10 months ago – Fri, Jan 05, 2024 at 10:00:23 AM

Thank you so much for believing in this project!  I am so excited for you to get this book!

This is more backers than I've ever had for any of my Kickstarter projects! I can't thank you enough! 

Here's what happens next...

Over the next few days, Kickstarter will collect the pledges and in a couple of weeks, they'll transfer the funds (minus ~10% for KS and credit card fees). 

In that time, I'll be working on finishing up the book and I'll share previews here! I'll also be setting up the Backerkit page which will help me organize deliveries and will let you add extra stuff to your order.

Once I have those final order numbers, everything will go into production and shipping supplies will be ordered (I do all the fulfillment myself). The digital rewards (PDFs and STLs) will ship out in waves as  the survey responses come in. The physical minis often take the most time to produce so I'm not waiting – I've already got the casting company started on the molds!

I can't wait for you to get your books! I really hope you'll love your Meta Domain cleric!

Look for more updates from me as things move forward.

Thank you again! This is going to be fun! :)

-- Steve

We've unleashed the fearsome Grognard!
10 months ago – Sun, Dec 24, 2023 at 09:19:01 PM

Thanks to more than 300 backers, we've unlocked the Grognard mini add-on!

And the STL is available too!

I'm so excited! This mini will be cast by the amazing team at Trenchworx (the same company which has cast minis for Matt Colville's MCDM). Trenchworx produced my previous minis and I love their work! This is the largest figure they've produced for me yet!

The Grognard is a "large" figure (by 5E standards) and will stand on a 2-inch base.  

3D rendering
3D rendering

The mini is now available on Kickstarter as an add-on for $35 - which is a $5 discount from the retail price.

The 3D-printable STL is also available as an add-on for $5. Or if you can't wait for the end of this campaign, or just want to save a couple of bucks, the same STL is also free this month for my supporters on Patreon. 

Wherever you are in the world, I hope you're safe and warm and planning great games for 2024!

Thank you for helping to make this such an amazing campaign! 

-- Steve

New stretch goals unlocked, the Grognard looms, and a couple of other campaigns to check out!
10 months ago – Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 12:46:15 PM

The campaign is going great!

We've now unlocked four stretch goals! The books will now have improved paper quality and include more magic items. All physical backers will also get a Prayer's Handbook vinyl sticker.

We're on our way to unlocking the Grognard mini as an add-on. This will be available as a "large"-size, (2-inch base) high-quality, cast physical mini. A digital STL will be available as well. It might be the best sculpt I've done yet. I'm really happy with how it turned out!

A 3D render of the oversized mini

I'm working with the casting company to determine the price of the physical mini now. I expect to know this week.

More Kickstarters to check out...

A couple of other campaigns reached out to me and we're cross-promoting each other. Here are two I'd like to recommend you give a look. Both have met their goals, have unlocked stretch goals, and neither use AI in their creation...  

First up is Satzija’s Darkest Charms by Quill's Tiny Quests. This is a system-neutral and 5E project. 

"Strike a deadly bargain and discover a new romanceable character, story hooks, and 6+ arcane charms. All (and more) for 1€!"

Next up is Maps Your Party Will Die For 4: City by Laidback Dungeon Master

"MAPS YOUR PARTY WILL DIE FOR 4: CITY is system-neutral, hand drawn, interconnecting geomorphic maps for making your ultimate city, port town, pirate island, sewer complex or riverside village!"

Thank you again!

Thanks again for your amazing support! I'm so excited for you to get this book!

-- Steve

An amazing launch! We're funded and two stretch goals are already unlocked!
10 months ago – Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 09:54:54 AM

What an amazing first day!

Huge thanks to every backer and to those who helped spread the word!

We were funded in a couple of hours, and overnight we unlocked the first two stretch goals which upgrade the paper quality of the books and add more magic items!

As this campaign continues, I'll be sharing behind-the-scenes art and sneak peeks at the rules and stats...

Here's a look at the process for illustrating the fearsome Grognard...

As I've been creating subclasses, I think about their antithesis. The Grognard is the arch-nemesis for the Meta Domain cleric. 

The process starts with a sketch and I try to feel my way through the design. I knew I didn't want the Grognard to be a joke. I want it to be an intimidating monster for the GM to add to their table. I also want it to feel like something which might have been in the original Monster Manual. My thinking with this design is a lot like that of The Prayer's Handbook itself: It's all just a game until a monster is coming at you with an axe.
The sculpting process begins with what I've been calling "balloon animals." I try to nail the gesture and energy of the figure before getting bogged down with the details.
And then I get bogged down with the details. :) This is the latest 3D render of the large mini which is a stretch-goal we're on our way to unlocking!
And this is the latest version of the painting which will appear in the book. I'm really happy with how it turned out!

Thank you for your amazing day-one support! 

If you know anyone else who might be interested in this project, please do share the link with them! There are lots more amazing stretch goals I hope we get to reveal!

Thank you again! 

-- Steve