
Meta Domain: A fourth-wall-bending cleric subclass for 5E

Created by Steve Conley

Clerics who think this all might be a game! A fun, powerful, and playable subclass plus new spells, items, and creatures! Digital PDFs and 3D-printable STLs are available from Steve's web shop at

Latest Updates from Our Project:

So close! Adding last details to The Prayer's Handbook
8 months ago – Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 01:26:47 PM

We're in the home stretch! 

I wanted to give everyone a quick update!

As I mentioned with the last update, I keep adding stuff. :) The Prayer's Handbook is now full of odd, weird meta notes. The last thing I'm doing is going through and adding marginalia and sketches to the page borders (think a less-WTF version of the Voynich manuscript). It's making the whole project look so much weirder - in a good way I hope! :)

I also finished up the digital painting of the final creature... which had a few names during production but I settled on Endgamer. It's an evil Meta Domain cleric. They hate the player and hate the game. They want the game to end and think they can accomplish that by killing the player characters. I think of them like a nihilistic version of Professor Moriarty from Star Trek: TNG.

I think it's the best painting I've done yet!

Because I've added a whole additional month of work into The Prayer's Handbook, it means I've delayed the launch of Nibblemancy. I'll launch that campaign after everyone has their Meta Domain PDFs and while we're waiting for The Prayer's Handbook to come back from the printers! 

I'll be sharing campaign updates with previews of the spells, magic items and creature stats over the next few days. I can't wait to hear what you think!

Thank you again for your amazing support! I'm so happy with how this is coming together and I hope you will be too!

-- Steve

More monsters, more art, and surveys coming in!
8 months ago – Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 02:36:18 PM

Thanks to everyone who responded to the backer survey! If you haven't yet responded please check your email!  Backerkit sent out "lock" notifications over the weekend and if you have any last-minute changes to your order, now's the time! This process lets me know how many of each item need to be made.

Work on The Prayer's Handbook book is going really well!

Thanks to everyone who sent feedback on the subclass basics - you'll see some tweaks in the final!

Last week, I had an idea for a few more monsters and I'm working to cram them into the book! :)

Like the Flagonborn creatures in Intoximancy, we now have book-based creatures in The Prayer's Handbook including the Folio Fiend, the Manual Monster, and the Codex Creature.

And here's a look at the art for the Hydrahedron...

It took FOREVER to draw all those numbers on each facet. :)

 and here are the Hydraheadron Hatchlings...

Yes, the Hydrahedron eggs appear to have numbers and glyphs on each side. Nature is mysterious that way.

Look for an Kickstarter update with creature stats this week.

The last creature I'm sculpting and illustrating is a corrupted Meta Domain cleric...

I'm sculpting using the Nomad app on an iPad. A #D-printable STL of this guy will be made available when it's ready.

I really hope you're going to love this book!

The shipping schedule...

With orders locked, Backerkit can now charge cards for any extra add-ons ordered and addresses can be locked. Digital add-ons will get delivered this week as I prepare the final PDF for delivery of The Prayer's Handbook

Then the orders for printed books will be placed and I'll keep everyone informed as the pieces arrive from the printers/manufacturers.

A reminder: if you want to be thanked by name in The Prayer's Handbook...

All my Patreon supporters get thanked by name in my books as they come out. If you'd like to be included, head on over to

Thank you again for your amazing support!

I can't wait for your to get your loot!

-- Steve 

My next project, Nibblemancy will sneak in to the end of ZineQuest after The Prayer's Handbook rewards have started shipping! Thanks to the 150 people who have signed up to be notified when it launches!

Meta Domain subclass preview
9 months ago – Thu, Feb 01, 2024 at 03:18:26 PM

The backer survey results are rolling in. Thank you to everyone who already responded!

The production is going well. I'm editing, filling in a few spots, and have a handful of illustrations to complete. As usual, I'll be revising and tightening the layouts until the last possible moment.

I'm really happy with how it's coming together and hope you will be too! 

A sneak peek at the Meta Domain subclass

Here's a look at the subclass rules. So far, none of it seems as OP as the Peace Domain. :)

Big thanks to all the new supporters on Patreon! I've shared some magic items which everyone can check out here.

And if you haven't already, be sure to sign be to be notified when my next project Nibblemancy goes live. 

Thank you again for the amazing support!

-- Steve

Nibblemancy will launch after The Prayer's Handbook rewards have shipped

Surveys are going out!
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 01:22:09 PM

Backerkit has approved the fulfillment setup and surveys are going out!

A small batch of surveys will go out immediately and if everything works the way it's supposed to, the rest will follow. (Backerkit calls this a "smoke test")

Keep an eye out for that email and please respond when you get a chance. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if there are any issues with the system or if I can answer any questions!

ZineQuest is around the corner!

As I mentioned, I'll be taking part in Kickstarter's annual TTRPG event, ZineQuest. My project Nibblemancy will launch in the latter half of February (once The Prayer's Handbook rewards have shipped). You can sign up to be notified when Nibblemancy goes live here:

Thanks to the more than 75 people who have already signed up!

From the pages of The Prayer's Handbook... the fearsome Grognard...

I purchased a 3D printer at the end of of 2023 (an FDM printer, the Bambu Lab Carbon X-1) and I've been keeping it busy. One of the latest prints is this oversized Grognard...

Thank you for your amazing support and keep an eye out for your survey! I can't wait for you to get your loot!

-- Steve

Surveys going out next week, a first look at the minis, and coming in February: Nibblemancy!
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 07:49:05 PM

So far, so good!

It's been two weeks since The Prayer's Handbook campaign wrapped up and Kickstarter has now completed the pledge-collection process!

Next up... 

Next week, you'll receive your backer survey via email. Answering that will let me know where to send your rewards. You also get a chance to add last-minute items to your pledge.

Work on The Prayer's Handbook is going well!

I'm creating more illustrations and fleshing out details. I'm on track to have the PDFs ready to ship as soon as the bulk of the surveys come back. Other digital rewards will be delivered in batches as well!

A sneak peek at the minis...

I just received these photos from the casting company. These show the first sample casts of the Meta Domain Cleric and Grognard miniatures.

Coming soon: Nibblemancy!

February is Kickstarter's ZineQuest event and I'll be launching my next 5E book: Nibblemancy.

Nibblemancy is a baking- and cooking-themed wizard subclass for 5E and it's pretty much the sequel to my first 5E book Intoximancy

You can sign up to be notified when the campaign goes live by clicking here...

Please note: This new campaign won't launch until the bulk of The Prayer's Handbook rewards have shipped. That's super important to me.

And before we go...

I'd like to recommend some Kickstarters from creators I know... 

Perhapanauts: Triangle is the latest collection of Perhapanauts comics by Todd Dezago and Craig Rousseau.  "Join Big, Choopie, Arisa, MG and Molly - and so many, many more -  as they draw back the veil on the creepy and the bizarre, the unexplained and the unexpected - the terrifying and the nightmarish!" 

Next up...

Lord of the Pit is "The Hell Drummer 5E Sub-Class Guide" The campaign page looks like it takes a bit of inspiration from the 5E campaigns I've made - the graphics, the formatting, the text choices. It's really cool to see! The creators have kindly backed my TTRPG projects too. 

I hope you give these projects a look!

Big thanks to all the new signups at my Patreon page! Everyone seems to be loving the new magic items!  You can sign up here:

Thank you all again for your amazing support and keep an eye out for those surveys next week!

-- Steve